Born in Catania on May 24, 1970.
Graduated at the University of Catania in 1995 with a thesis in Philosophy of Law entitled “Assisted Procreation and Contract Theory.”
Upon graduation, he began working as a trainee lawyer at the “Law Firm of Avv. Roberto Pasqua” in Augusta (SR).
Diego registered at the Bar Association of Siracusa in 1999, continuing to practice at the same law firm of Avv. Pasqua until 2005.
Diego has developed a specialization in maritime, customs, and transportation law, specifically dealing with arbitration procedures, the exercise of liens, international disputes, P&I assistance, ship and cargo insurance, goods transportation, bills of lading, general and particular average, collisions, salvage and assistance, pollution, and customs disputes.
From 2009 to 2011, he was a consultant for the Municipality of Augusta on port matters, economic development, and the marine economy.
From 2010 to 2012, he was a member of the Bar Association of Siracusa.
Since 2013, he has been an ordinary member of AIDIM – Italian Association of Maritime Law.
In 2015 and 2016, he was Head of the Labor Law Department at the “Pier Luigi Romano” Forensic School established by the Bar Association of Siracusa.
Since 2015, he has held a permanent teaching position at the Piero Gobetti State High School (socio-economic track) in Genoa in legal and economic disciplines.