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Giorgio Grasso


Giorgio is also a name Partner in BTG Legal. He focuses on insurance (life and non-life products as well) and reinsurance disputes, also specialising in the Financial Lines, Casualty and Property sectors, with broad experience of insurance as regards cyber risk and data protection. He is the Leader of the SIG Cyber of Global Insurance Law Connect.

He is qualified to appear before the Italian Supreme Court.

He is very experienced in arbitration, both domestic and international, including ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL and ICSID and in international ADR procedures.

He speaks English and French.

About me

Professional experience:

Prior to joining the firm, he worked in the Dispute Resolution groups at several major international law firms, and has been a visiting lawyer at a Magic Circle law firm.

Giorgio is often invited as a speaker on insurance matters, and regularly writes for specialised insurance reviews.

Academic background and memberships:

Giorgio graduated cum laude from Federico II Naples University of Law in 1998 and was admitted to the Italian Bar in 2003.

He gained a PhD in Domestic and International Arbitration Law and studied international arbitration law at King’s College, London.

He has lectured in civil procedure and also insurance law at Federico II Naples University of Law.

Giorgio is member of the International Association of Insurance Law, the LCIA Young International Arbitration Group and the ICC Young Arbitration Forum. He is an accredited mediator of the Rome Chamber of Commerce, the Italian-German Chamber of Commerce and the Italian Banking and Financial Mediation Organization. He is frequently invited as a speaker at formal events and other meetings  concerning insurance, civil procedure and ADR.


  • Broken class – Class Action in Italy”, The Lawyer, April, 2008;
  • New rules on civil mediation in Italy”, The International Mediation Institute website, August, 2010 ;
  • The Recent Legislation on Civil Mediation in Italy”, Juriste International, September, 2010 page no. 65-66;
  • La sottoscrizione della claims made”, May 2015 no. 717, Insurance Daily;
  • Più chiarezza sulla mancata denuncia di sinistro e conseguente decadenza”, May 2015 no. 729, Insurance Daily;
  • Quale natura per le polizze unit-index linked?”, June 2015, Insurance Review;
  • La clausola di delimitazione del rischio”, June 2015 no. 739, Insurance Daily;
  • L’aggravamento del rischio: tutele per le compagnie assicurative”, July 2015 no. 752, Insurance Daily;
  • Il caso del questionario sanitario”, July 2015 no. 759, Insurance Daily;
  • Fatto accidentale, eliminare le ambiguità”, July 2015 no. 767, Insurance Daily;
  • Quando la clausola è opprimente”, 10 September 2015 no. 771, Insurance Daily;
  • Quando il prestito è estinto in anticipo”, September 2015 no. 782, Insurance Daily;
  • Obblighi di informativa: il modello unitario conviene”, October 2015 no. 793, Insurance Daily;
  • Se non c’è accordo, c’è il collegio arbitrale”, October 2015 no. 805, Insurance Daily;
  • Avvisare è meglio che curare”, November 2015 no. 812, Insurance Daily;
  • In caso di continuous cover”, November 2015 no. 822, Insurance Daily;
  • D&O: occhio alle coperture”, December 2015 no. 831, Insurance Daily;
  • Delimitare il rischio si può”, January 2016 no. 849, Insurance Daily;
  • Ogni continuous cover ha il suo limite”, February 2016 no. 865, Insurance Daily;
  • La clausola, se non è chiara, può essere abusiva”, February 2016 no. 874, Insurance Daily;
  • D&O: come prolungare la garanzia”, March 2016 no. 890, Insurance Daily;
  • Nuovo intervento della Cassazione sulla chiarezza e comprensibilità delle clausole del contratto assicurativo”, April 2016,;
  • Le discipline applicabili alle polizze fideiussorie”, April 2016 no. 913, Insurance Daily;
  • Una tutela per il terzo finanziatore”, May 2016 no. 935, Insurance Daily;
  • Se l’incidente dipende dal contraente”, June 2016 no. 958, Insurance Daily;
  • I costi dell’ambiguità”, July 2016, Insurance Review;
  • Quando i rischi sono diversi”, September 2016 no. 990, Insurance Daily;
  • I rischi derivanti dalle clausole di responsabilità solidale”, October 2016 no. 1010, Insurance Daily.
  • Italy : the insurance clauses must be clear and intelligible. The Italian Supreme Court may reinterpret the wording”, September 2016, no. 1, Rivista del diritto del mercato assicurativo e finanziario, page 185-206;
  • Quando è il tempo di disdire”, December 2016 no. 1045, Insurance Daily;
  • La clausola d’anticipo dell’indennizzo”, May 2017 no. 1124, Insurance Daily
  • Attenzione alle clausole a secondo rischio”, June 2017 no. 1151, Insurance Daily;
  • Attenzione alle clausole di conciliazione paritetica”, October 2017 no. 1210, Insurance Daily;
  • Una questione sulla clausola di regolazione del premio”, January 2018 no. 1262, Insurance Daily;
  • Claims made clauses in the Italian legal system: the insurance sector never-ending story”; May 2018, Marine Aviation & Transport Insurance Review;
  • Clausole valide anche se sottoscritte “ad occhi chiusi”?”, May 2018, no. 1342, Insurance Daily;
  • Danno punitivo: i riflessi per le coperture assicurative”, November 2018, no. 1442, Insurance Daily;
  • Danno punitivo i riflessi per le coperture assicurative”; January 2019, M.A.T. Insurance Review;
  • “Class actions changes in Italy create new risks for insurers”, May 2019, Insurance Day;
  • Cosa cambia con la nuova class action”, May 2019, no. 1545, Insurance Daily;
  • Compagnie attenzione alle parole”, September 2019, no. 1610, Insurance Daily;
  • La responsabilità in caso di comunicazione tardiva”, November 2019, no. 1636, Insurance Daily;
  • Quando coprire le spese legali”, March 2020, no. 1710, Insurance Daily.